Delaware River Basin

What is the forum?

The Source Water Collaborative is sponsoring a Delaware River Basin Forum on March 10, 2011. The Forum will be a one-day, basin-wide event to identify and address issues impacting water resource sustainability for the more than 15 million people who rely on surface and ground water from the basin. The format of the event will reflect a theme of regional-local connectedness: a central session in Philadelphia where panelists set the stage by framing current and forecasted influences on water resources basin-wide, while interacting with satellite forums in locations in Delaware, New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania where stakeholders convene to deliberate local issues and needs.

Philadelphia SkyLine
The goals of the Forum are to:

  • Heighten awareness of issues and decisions affecting water resource sustainability (quality and quantity) in the Basin;
  • Connect basin-wide and local actors, issues and needs, and create a framework for ongoing collaboration (“community of practice”) engaging basin-wide and local officials, planners, water suppliers and other stakeholders and practitioners; and
  • Reflect the theme of connectedness using tools such as remote conferencing and a Forum/community website.

Nearly 1,000 community water systems depend on water resources in the Delaware Basin. In addition to domestic water supply, there are a variety of water uses in the Basin – for recreation, fisheries and wildlife, energy, industry, navigation – and the watershed is characterized by diverse land uses – from forests to agriculture to urban landscapes. The way we use our land and water now, and influences such as climate change and population growth, affect the quality and quantity of our water resources today and for the future. Basin-wide challenges will be laid out in interactive discussions during the early, plenary sessions, and dialogue will continue among participants assembled at satellite locations throughout the basin, where local issues, threats, needs and solutions to surface water and ground water protection can be meaningfully examined.

Who is the Source Water Collaborative?

The Source Water Collaborative is a coalition of 23 national organizations and agencies united to protect sources of drinking water. Local hosts for the Forum include the US Environmental Protection Agency (Region 2 and Region 3), state environmental and health agencies of Delaware, New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania, and the Delaware River Basin Commission. Additional Forum partners include WHYY, private and municipal water suppliers, watershed- and water resource-focused organizations, environmental advocacy groups and academic institutions.

What makes the Delaware River Basin special?


Lying in the densely populated corridor of the northeastern US, the 13,600 square mile Delaware River basin stretches approximately 330 miles from headwaters in New York State to its confluence with the Atlantic Ocean. The basin includes approximately 12,800 square miles of land area, nearly 800 square miles of Bay and over 2,000 tributaries, including many that are rivers in their own right. The Delaware River’s condition is very much a product of the cumulative flows from its many tributaries, which in turn take their character from the underlying geology, topography, microclimates and land uses of their watersheds. The northernmost tributaries to the Delaware River originate in the forested western slopes of the Catskill Mountains that reach elevations of up to 4,000 feet. The East and West Branches meet at Hancock, New York where the Delaware River officially begins. The River descends about 800 feet on its journey to the sea.

The drainage area encompasses extensive landscapes in New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Delaware. All or portions of 42 counties and 838 municipalities within four states contribute to and benefit from the resources of the Delaware River Basin. Water resources are also exported to cities in NJ and NY outside of the Basin boundary.


The Lower Delaware National Wild and Scenic River includes a 38.9-mile section of the main stem Delaware (and about 28 miles of selected tributaries) linking the Delaware Water Gap and Washington Crossing, Pa., just upstream of Trenton, N.J. Three-quarters of the non-tidal Delaware River is now included in the national system.

On average over 8.7 billion gallons of Delaware basin water are put to use each day. These numbers include an average of 736 million gallons of water exported for populations in New York City and northeastern New Jersey, which account for approximately 8% of the total amount of water withdrawals. Overall, 90% of all water withdrawn from the Delaware basin is diverted from surface water flows. Potable water in the basin is supplied from surface water diversions (64%) and ground water withdrawals (36%). Nearly 90% of all potable supply for commercial and residential use is through public water supply systems; only 10% is from domestic (household) wells. The basin average for consumptive loss in public water distribution systems is approximately 10%.

The salt line is an estimation of where the seven-day average chloride concentration equals 250 ppm along the tidal Delaware River. The salt line location plays an important role in the Delaware River Basin water quality and drought management programs because upstream migration of brackish water from the Delaware Bay during low-flow and drought conditions could increase sodium chloride concentrations in public water supplies, presenting a public health concern. Courtesy Delaware River Basin Commission State of the Basin Report 2008.

Port of Philadelphia

Philadelphia and its international seaport activity generates jobs, labor income, economic output and tax revenues. Delaware River ports employ 4,056 workers who earn $326 million and generate $1.3 billion in economic output. Approximately 65 percent of the region’s cargo tonnage is in petroleum. The region also specializes in niche cargoes such as steel, wood products, and perishable items such as fresh fruit, nuts, cocoa beans and meat products. Delaware River ports import nearly half of the nation’s cocoa beans, almost a third of the bananas, and a quarter of all fruit and nuts. Courtesy Economy League of Greater Philadelphia Maritime Commerce in Greater Philadelphia July 2008.

The Port of Philadelphia was named the nation’s 14th Strategic Military Port by the U.S. Department of Defense in 2002, making it one of only 14 ports in the United States permitted to handle the nation’s military cargoes destined for various points around the globe. Courtesy Philadelphia Regional Port Authority.

The river also played an important role in our nation’s history. General George Washington and men of the Continental Army and militia crossed the Delaware River in 1776 and marched to Trenton, New Jersey. This surprise attach and victory set the stage for Washington’s subsequent victories at the Second battle of Trenton and Princeton. The crossing and the Trenton/Princeton campaign have become known as the Ten Crucial Days, a campaign that saved Washington’s army from defeat, allowing them to fight another day and achieve ultimate victory. Courtesy Washington Crossing Historic Park.


What is source water protection and what are the states doing to support it?

Source water protection means protection of drinking water supplies. Drinking water can come from ground or surface water, and a collaborative effort is needed to ensure that our sources of drinking water remain clean for future generations. Taking positive steps to prevent pollutants from ever reaching these sources can be more efficient and less costly than treating drinking water later. States within the Delaware River basin each have unique authorities and approaches to source water protection.

New Jersey:

The Source Water Assessment Program (SWAP) is administered by the Bureau of Safe Drinking Water, Division of Water Supply within the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection. The information gained from source water assessments will encourage protection of water sources, provide information for watershed assessment and planning, and improve land use planning. The information developed from the SWAP will provide communities with the tools necessary to begin protecting their valuable drinking water source.

New York:

The New York State Department of Health (DOH) and the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) both have roles in drinking water source protection. DOH is responsible for oversight of public water systems and for implementation of the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA). Since the late 1800′s, DOH has used the state statute authorizing watershed rules and regulations (WRR) to protect watersheds used by public water supplies. Specific WRR have been developed for numerous ground water and surface water sources across the state, particularly for watersheds used by large public water systems. Other programs administered by DOH and County Health Departments that protect drinking water sources include but are not limited to regulation of on-site septic systems and standards for water well construction. DOH also works in a supporting role in source water protection programs associated with other New York environmental quality programs implemented primarily by the DEC, including implementation of the Clean Water Act (CWA). These programs, including both point and non-point source pollution programs (e.g., waste discharges, solid and hazardous waste, bulk storage, pesticides, storm water, CAFO, spills etc.) include measures to protect both ground and surface waters. DEC classifies both surface water and ground water based on their best use and maintains water quality standards appropriate for each classification. The water quality standards were developed to protect public drinking water sources and wildlife. DOH and DEC work collaboratively and with all of the Federal and State Agencies involved in source protection.


The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) conducts assessments of the susceptibility of public water system water sources to potential sources of contamination. These assessments have been done in accordance with Pennsylvania’s Source Water Assessment and Protection Program and the Safe Drinking Water Act. The previously existing Wellhead Protection Program is considered the cornerstone for the assessment of ground water sources serving public water systems. The purpose for conducting the assessments is to educate the public and promote the development of local, voluntary source water protection. DEP offers a variety of support for municipalities, water suppliers and the public to develop these local source water protection programs.


The Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control has the lead role in the development and implementation of the Delaware Source Water Assessment and Protection Program (SWAPP). The Delaware Division of Public Health and the Water Resources Agency, Institute for Public Administration at the University of Delaware, closely supports its work. A SWAPP Citizen and Technical Advisory Committee was formed at the start of this program in 1998 and is continuing to assist in developing and implementing Delaware’s SWAPP and ensures public involvement.